Little Batul's parents were worried about their children learning their own values and having a good Eid celebration in the US. So, neighborhood mothers decided to get together to plan a nice Eid ul-Adha celebration for their children and the kids of the needy families in the neighborhood. They also decide to ask kids living at an orphanage to come to the Eid celebrations. Kids bought or made presents to give to their friends at school and children in need in the community.On the day of the Eid, everybody put on their new clothes, performed the Eid Prayer, and celebrated each other's Eid. With the presents and some dish, meat stew, rice and desert , the families went to a local rental hall for the Eid celebration. Moms and dads gave presents to all of the children. With the arrival of the clown and the piniata at one corner for the little ones, the children had so much fun and celebrated the Eid with their parents, classmates, and the new friends from the orphanage.
MECCA MEDINA The Yildiz Albums of Sultan Abdulhamid II
There are few traces of the Ottomans left in Mecca and Medina. This album includes photographs of the Holy Lands that are found in the Yildiz Albums. Mainly due to the different forms of government, legal systems, and also because of commercial concerns, this appearance of the Haramayn is quite different from what may you see in the book.”
My Sweet Grandparents
hese new books explore the scientific principles behind the day-to-day happenings
around us. Each book is filled with over a hundred fun facts—everything from why milk
boils…why Eskimos never feel cold in their igloos…to how albatrosses can fly for a
long time without flapping.
Dans cet ouvrage, l'auteur a rassemblé toutes les anecdotes de Nasreddine Hodja,le sage légendaire.Les anecdotes de Nasreddine Hodja renferment une sagesse cachée par un humour stimulant et procurent un plaisir incomparable.
Noble Women of Faith
Imam Ahmad recorded that Ibn Abbas said:”The Messenger of God drew four lines on the ground and said, 'Do you know what these lines represent? The best among the women of Paradise are Khadija bint Khuwaylid, Fatima bint Muhammad, Maryam bint Imran, and Asiya bint Muzahim.'”
Asiya: The daughter of Muzahim, wife of the Pharaoh
Mary: The virgin mother of Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him
Khadija: The first wife of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him
Fatima: The fifth child of Prophet Muhammad and Khadija
God has promised the highest level of Paradise to these women.
The truth, wisdom, and lessons to be learned in these stories are from AllMighty God, and any mistake or shortcomings is from myself.
I have known suffering and adversity in my life, so it has been a great honor to translate the stories of these great mothers in Islam for you.
Ottoman Women (Myth and Reality)
Guided by the accounts of such female travelers as Lady Montagu, Julia Pardoe, and Lucy Garnett, all of whom lived in Ottoman lands for significant periods of time, this beautifully illustrated book explores—and hopes to overturn—the 19th-century stereotypes of Ottoman women. Both Eastern and Western accounts of Turkish society during that time made much of the harem, with Orientalist writers describing Turkish women as exotic, indolent, and depraved, while some Europeans usually described them as noble and elegant. Then, with the advent of the first women’s movement in the West, the harem began to be criticized as an institution that trapped women and enforced their submission to men. All of these ideas were refuted by Montagu, Pardoe, and Garnett, who argued that Ottoman women were perhaps the freest in the world; this book backs up that claim with historical research showing that women frequently prevailed in cases against their husbands and other male relatives in the Ottoman courts.
Nasreddin Hodja is a wise man from Anatolia. His jokes make you think, laugh, and learn.
Here is a tale from the book:
Nasreddin Hodja’s neighbor asked him, “I heard noises from your home last night. What happened?” “My wife was angry and she threw my robe down the stairs,” he said. The neighbor was puzzled, “How can a robe make such a loud noise?” he asked. Nasreddin Hodja replied: “I was wearing the robe when she threw it!”
Tales from Rumi
A collection of stories from Rumi's classic opus “The Mathnawi,” this astounding compilation of more than 24,000 verses is carefully adapted for younger audiences. Best known for his spiritual poetry and the whirling dance of Sufi practice he inspired, Rumi's influence continues to spread around the world.
The Adventures of Kyle
PAPERBACK : 2011-01-16 • 104 Pages • 22,5 X 22,5 Inches •